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August 14, 2020


COVID-19 Issue Spotlight: Immigrant Led Advocacy

SPOTLIGHT TAKEOVER: Amjambo Africa! Maine Initiatives grantee, Ladder to the Moon Network, runs a free newspaper publication called Amjambo Africa, an incredible source of news, information, and community for New Mainers and the broader community alike. This week, we are turning over the COVID-19 Issue Spotlight to Amjambo Africa’s Editor-in-Chief, Kit Harrison, who brings to us a sample of their […]

July 29, 2020


July 2020 eNews

Dear Friend, How is it nearly August?! We hope you’ve been able to enjoy these summer weeks (despite the chaos of the world), and that this July newsletter provides you with some important updates about the ongoing justice work happening across the state. In solidarity, The Maine Initiatives Team IMPORTANT UPDATES: Nonprofit Relief Fund On […]

July 27, 2020


COVID-19 Issue Spotlight: Health Equity

In the midst of a global pandemic, we need an equitable healthcare system now more than ever. The reality is that thousands of Mainers are not able to access the health services that they need. Our grantees are working hard to fill in the gaps while calling for transformational change. While on some level all […]

July 23, 2020


Supporting Health Equity

If you would like to support organizations working on health equity, consider the following organizations: Maine Access Immigrant Network Maine Access Immigrant Network (MAIN) serves as a bridge and cultural broker between mainstream health care and social services and the refugee and immigrant communities living in Maine. Through case management for adults, resource and referral […]

July 17, 2020


COVID-19 Issue Spotlight: Food Justice

Food insecurity continues to be an urgent issue in Maine. Even before the pandemic, 13% of Maine households struggled with food insecurity — the 12th highest percentage in the country. But as unemployment rates remain high, that number is projected to grow to 18%. Our grantees are leveraging their resources and deep community relationships to address […]

July 06, 2020


Create a $50 Million Nonprofit Relief Fund NOW

Dear Ms. Laurie Lachance, Mr. Josh Broder, Mr. Bill Burke, and the members of the Economic Recovery Committee,  We, the undersigned members of Maine’s nonprofit and philanthropic community, recognize that grassroots and community-based nonprofit organizations are on the front lines of our state’s response to the COVID-19 crisis. These organizations are extraordinarily effective and efficient […]

June 24, 2020


June 2020 eNews

Dear Friend, It has been a tough month. The pain and frustration caused by the ongoing pandemic and persistent racial injustices have been felt within our community and across the country. But there have also been feelings of hope and possibility. There is no doubt that this is a transformational moment, and that the voices […]

June 19, 2020


COVID-19 Issue Spotlight- Movement for Black Lives

Movement for Black Lives Systemic racism is a public health crisis. Police brutality against Black folks is not new, but the disproportionate impact that COVID-19 has had on Black communities is making all too clear the ways in which systemic racism is as pervasive and dangerous as the virus itself. Here in Maine, Black activists […]