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Grants for Change 2022

Grants for Change 2022 is LIVE!

We are pleased to announce that Maine Initiatives’ 2022 Grants for Change program is LIVE!

This year, we are launching a new, three-year, $1.5 million round of Grants for Change grantmaking to Black, Wabanaki, and People of Color-led and -serving (BIPOC-led and -serving) organizations advancing racial justice work and strengthening community building efforts statewide. 

This fall, our community will select and fund a cohort of twelve (12) BIPOC-led organizations advancing racial justice work and strengthening community building efforts across the state. The organizations selected for the 2022 Grants for Change cohort will receive general operating grants of $45,000 paid out over three years, $15,000 annually. Learn more about this year’s process and application details here!

Join Our Participatory Grantmaking Process

We will select this year’s G4C Cohort using a broadly participatory, community-based decision-making process that offers opportunities for community volunteers to participate as Proposal Readers and as members of the Grantmaking Advisory Committee.  Learn more about our participatory process or sign up to be a Proposal Reader here!

Grantee Applications Open –  September 1, 2022

Grantee & Reader Application Deadline  – September 30, 2022