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The Invitation

September, sneakily, is a month of new beginnings. Back-to-school. Autumn. Football season. Pumpkin spice extravaganza. 

[There is a lot going on. And the weather (finally!) decided to feel like summer all of a sudden.]

In the midst of all of this excitement, I want to invite you to join our fall Grants for Change (G4C) program. You can read all about the program below, but here’s my question for you:

Are you someone who is interested in the following questions:

  • What is racial justice? 
  • What does racial justice mean and look like here in Maine? 
  • Who is doing that work and how can we help? 

If you answered “yes,” then we want you to join us in bringing this program to life.

The invitation to become a Proposal Reader for Grants for Change is both simple and extraordinary: We already have applications from over sixty (60!) BIPOC-led organizations that are all doing important work to advance racial justice in our state. We want you to learn about them, to reflect on their work, to be inspired, and to be in conversation with us as we select this year’s G4C Cohort: twelve (12) organizations that will each receive a $45,000 grant to support their work over the next three years. 

Last year, we had over 250 proposal readers. Can we get to 300 this year? I believe we can. You can make it happen. 

Learn more. Or sign up now

This is what it takes to advance racial justice in our state: each of us getting involved and doing something about it. This is your opportunity. Join us.

Peace and love,
