Supporting Health Equity
If you would like to support organizations working on health equity, consider the following organizations:
Maine Access Immigrant Network
Maine Access Immigrant Network (MAIN) serves as a bridge and cultural broker between mainstream health care and social services and the refugee and immigrant communities living in Maine. Through case management for adults, resource and referral services, and educational health prevention workshops that meet culturally/linguistically appropriate standards, MAIN ensures equal access to quality health and social services. Since its inception as Somali Culture and Development Association in 2002, MAIN has, and continues to be, an organization of, by, and for the refugee and immigrant communities we serve.
Donate Link:
New Mainers Public Health Initiative
Started by the initiatives of a handful of college and university students wanting to give back to their communities, New Mainers Public Health Initiatives (NMPHI) works to promote healthy habits and change attitudes, beliefs and behavior. NMPHI brings awareness about the importance of good health to the immigrant and refugee members of the community in Lewiston/Auburn, empowering people to take control of their healthcare through an understanding of medical diagnoses and treatment plans, and by becoming informed about primary and secondary prevention.
Donate Link:
Southern Maine Workers’ Center
SMWC is a grassroots, member-led organization building a movement for economic and racial justice in Maine. Their Work With Dignity and Health Care is a Human Right programs seek to provide immediate support and win concrete victories for Mainers who struggle to meet their basic needs, while developing grassroots leaders prepared to uncover and address the roots causes of injustice. Through a process of outreach, follow- up, and leadership development, we bring people together to change the unjust conditions they face– from the workplace to the statehouse.
Donate Link: