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Racial Justice and … Health Equity Panelists

Racial Justice and … Health Equity
December 16, 2020


DrewChristopher Joy, Executive Director, Southern Maine Workers’ Center

Abdulkerim Said, Executive Director, New Mainers Public Health Initiative

Sarah Lewis, Associate Director, Maine Access Immigrant Network


Southern Maine Workers’ Center


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Mission:We’re a grassroots, member led organization working to improve the lives, working conditions, and terms of employment for working class and poor people in Maine.

New Mainers Public Health Initiative


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Mission:NMPHI serves as the leading health related, ethnic-based organization directly serving the needs of the immigrant and refugee youth and their families. We educate and empower Mainers to overcome social and health challenges.

Maine Access Immigrant Network


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Mission:Maine Access Immigrant Network (MAIN) bridges access to About Us 2health and social services for immigrants and refugees in Portland Maine. Our organization works to build a stronger multicultural community in Portland, and to address refugee health literacy, health care enrollment, and coordination of health care benefits and non-clinical care. MAIN provides resource and referral information that is culturally and linguistically appropriate in English, Arabic, Somali, and French to ensure equal access to programs and services for new Mainers from Africa and Middle East.