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Systemic racism in Maine is real.

Dear friends,

I am flabbergasted. Sen. Collins took the debate stage last night and claimed that systemic racism is not a problem in Maine. Either Sen. Collins is ignorant of the rampant racial disparities in our state across many measures; or she thinks those disparities reflect fair and just outcomes of our systems, structures and institutions. We beg to differ.

As a foundation that has made addressing systemic racism in Maine a central focus of our work, we stand with the organizations and leaders that see the problems of systemic racism, have the courage to name it, and are working to fix it. These organizations are doing heroic work and deserve support, praise and thanks. Not denial.

We encourage Sen. Collins and anyone else who is comfortable enough to deny the lived experience of Black, Brown and Indigenous People of Color in our state to listen to and learn from these organizations and their brave leaders.

As James Baldwin so prophetically observed, “Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”

We will face the truth of systemic racism. And we will change it. Together.

In solidarity,

We stand with these organizations, our grantees, working to address systemic racism in:

We also stand with the following organizations that are speaking the truth to power about the reality of systemic racism in Maine: