2021 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Steering Committee

Thank you to everyone who is serving on the Steering Committee for the 40th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Observance. In 2021 this event is being transformed into a Virtual Teach-In and Call to Action and is being organized in association with the NAACP in Maine.
2021 Steering Committee Members
Abdul Ali, Maine Youth Justice
Pious Ali, Portland Empowered
Jeannette Andre, Maine Philanthropy Center
Mariana Angelo, Black P.O.W.E.R.
Andrea Berry, Maine Initiatives
Marpheen Chan, Holocaust and Human Rights Center
Jon Courtney, Portland Events Programmer
James Cradock, Maine NAACP
Kristin Hebert, Maine Initiatives
Joseph Jackson, Maine Prisoner Advocacy Coalition
qainat khan, ACLU of Maine
Kathy Kilrain del Rio, Maine Equal Justice
Laura Ligouri, MindBridge
Christiana Marvrey, Black P.O.W.E.R.
Marcia Minter, Indigo Arts Alliance
Adilah Muhammad, The Third Place
James Myall, Maine Center for Economic Policy
Regina Phillips, Cross Cultural Community Services
Rep. Rachel Talbot Ross, Maine State House of Representatives, Maine State Prison Branch NAACP
To register for the event please visit: bit.ly/MLK40th